Why do I refer to myself in French as a bunny?
When I first left my ex I took my children to counseling to support them in this wild journey popularly known as, "Divorce." When the counselor asked my children to think of an animal that represents their parents my oldest daughters answer, who was six at the time, meant the most to me. She first described her daddy as a dragon because, "He is big and loud." She then said her mother, moi, is a bunny because, "she wont fight."
In the days that followed me leaving the dragon I worked very hard to not fight in front of the children for obvious reasons. I walked away, if I could, or just stood there and calmly asked him to leave trying to tune out his verbal onslaught. I remember my baby, who was 18 months, holding on to my leg crying and I, trying to console her as the dragon exhausted his flame thrower.
Knowing that my children noticed my efforts made my resolve that much stronger.
As for why I use French...because j'aime le français.
Disclaimer...I Googled le français so please don't presume I speak it. One day, but not today.
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