The next morning we had a nice breakfast. I got her ready, and then it was my turn. I didn't know what I was walking in to that day so I left no stone upturned. I shaved my legs, pumiced my feet, exfoliated my entire body, and face, and moisturized head to toe. My makeup deliberate, and my hair styled, I felt at peace as I dressed knowing that I am who I am, and that that is enough.
As I walked into the building my older daughter was waiting for us and escorted us to where the meeting would take place. Having new contact lenses on it takes time for my eyes to adjust to light and distances, I only saw a blurry figure of a woman standing by the door and she says, as I near, "Hello Lapin." Like, dun, dun, duuuuuuuun. I said her name questioningly. "Yes." She confirms. I stretch out my hand to her, big smile, "It's so nice to meet you. How are you?"
As my eyes focus, I see she is indeed short but does not possess the young, model type figure I'd envisioned. She has only a touch of makeup on her hooded eyes, and dry skin leaving her thin lips bare. Her hair is thin, dark, and straight. Cut at nape with long layers, parted to the side, and ratted at crown. She's wearing a long straight knit skirt to her ankles with a jumper over a short-sleeved shirt, and flat shoes. She doesn't look 15 years younger, maybe 8-10 at most. Looks like a sister-wife. Her expression is that of a deer in headlights. Initially my heart goes out to her. She seems to have as much anxiety as I do about this event. But I soon realize she is a master at playing the victim.
I put my daughters things in the womans dressing area by the baptismal font, and as I return, see Ex in the doorway with his next victim. Upon making eye contact with me, he squeezes her shoulder, moves his hand to her neck, kisses her temple, and turns away from me, smiling. I feel it important to note here that Ex is not one for PDA's. In fact, on our wedding day the photographer wanted to take a picture of us kissing and Ex thought that was inappropriate.
I walk into the room and it has a lot of people in it that look similar to Victim. I suspect, as I take a seat, that she's brought her entire family. Throughout the baptism I am smiling at my daughter, Ex, Victim, her son, and her family. I would have smiled at Hades if he were there but alas, it was only his spawn, the ex.
In observing Victim and Hades... I mean Ex, I notice he's playing the role of protector/lover and she is fabulous at looking timid/helpless with her eyes huge with fear at the prospects of what I might do or say to her. Her family there in numbers, ready to rush to her side at any given moment as they whisper among themselves, and secretly hope for drama. Mind you, I have no family in attendance except for my children. I stand alone with the exception of a new friend I made who generously came to support me. There was so much more about this event than a simple baptism. It seems to me, a silent battle of sorts. The face-off to size each other up before the war begins.
At the end of the baptism, Victim is sitting behind me, and her mother is standing next to her. I turn and ask if this is her family. She says yes and introduces me to her mother, father, twin sister, and other siblings, all their spouses and children, and points out the grandparents. When the mother introduces me to the grandparents she starts with, "Mom, Dad, this is Lapin, Ex's ex..." and stops abruptly, not wanting to say, "ex-wife." I laugh and put out my hand to the grandfather assuring her, "Isn't this awkward. Don't you worry about it." and to the grandparents, "Hello, I'm Lapin, the ex-wife. You have a beautiful family."
I believe there were 15-20 people from her family that were there. Good thing voyeurism isn't illegal or they'd all be in jail. They weren't there to support my daughter, it was morbid curiosity. I felt their eyes on my back as well as saw their judgments in their eyes the entire time.
The future victim-in-law asked if she could take a picture of my daughter and I. I consent and she explains further saying, "Oh and I'm going to get one with Victim and your daughter, and then Ex with your daughter." I pose for the picture, and then later as I'm talking with Victim and her twin, I notice the mother is still taking pictures, one person at a time with my daughter. I suggest to Victim that it would be nice for us to take a group picture. "After all, it would be so much better for the children if they see us together and relaxed. Don't you think?" I ask smiling at them as I nod my headup and down. Something I learned in sales training. "Well, a lot of people have left already." She informs me. I tell her it's their loss and so the remaining voyeurs gather with me and my daughter, and we take a group shot with my trusty iPhone.
I soon leave with my one friend in attendance and we go to lunch. As we wait for our table I notice that I'm shaking, and apologize. She smiles at me and says something along the lines of, "Honey, with that performance back there, your nerves had to let loose at some point. You were amazing! I didn't know a person could act with such grace and dignity under such stressful conditions. You radiated when you walked into the room and no one could not notice you. You are stunning, and I'm not just saying that." I must confess, I needed to hear her say that and was relieved when she repeated it again later.
In looking back at all that happened, I feel stronger, more sure of who I am, and more determined to be better. The Ex and his fiance are in the honeymoon phase of their journey together. She manipulates, and controls her family, and him, with her "poor me, my ex-husband cheated on me and I am a fragile little troll who needs to be protected," act. She knows exactly what she's doing and it serves his purposes well. Little does she know, however, that infidelity will look pretty benign once he lets loose his true self. You can only hold your breath so long before you have to let it out so as to take another.
Later that night I'm alone with my thoughts, and feelings. My girls are with their father, my boys are out with their friends, and sadness sets in. Not because I'm in love with Ex, or want him back. But I now realize I began the process of mourning my dream. What would never be. Could never be. Not with anyone.
And so begins the letting go, the tears, the loss, the healing.
The following week when I met with a friend she asked me about it and I said, "I was 90% perfect." I tell her everything and she asks, "So why only 90% perfect? You did great. What aren't you telling me?" I bite my lips smiling before I confess, "My line about taking a group picture for the sake of the was true but the main reason was, I was trying to figure out the whole time how I could get a picture of her so I could show it to everyone." We busted out laughing.
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